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You made the game in godot press the export desktop version button

it was kind of hard to understand what to do but i really like the art for it

Not sure whats going on but I tried to select quests for everyone and nothing is happening :(


You have button on the top, you can click on it, after selected all questions

Oops! Got it to work and I love the game it's tons of fun :) 

The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing:
Cross Origin Isolation - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)
SharedArrayBuffer - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)

Which browser are you use?

(1 edit)


Same issue here

Same problem for me. I tried opening it in an incognito window and it worked fine, so it might be an issue with cookies/cache. I've noticed a lot of games made with Godot 4 have this issue unfortunately :(

The game looks amazing ... so sad it doesn't work ..

Are you on mac?

nope, on windows

oh, it works now x)